In honour of International Infection Prevention Week, Nibeva wants to emphasise the importance of covering your cough to prevent the spread of germs. Proper cough etiquette can go a long way in safeguarding both yourself and those around you. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of this small yet crucial action.
Why does cough etiquette matter?
Coughing is a reflex that can occur due to various factors, such as allergies, illnesses, or irritants, releasing respiratory droplets into the air that may contain germs. Proper cough etiquette is vital to prevent the spread of contagious diseases such as the flu, colds, and respiratory infections. Adhering to these guidelines can help protect vulnerable populations, including the elderly, children, and those with compromised immune systems, who are more susceptible to illnesses. In doing so, we can maintain a healthier and germ-free environment.
The steps to properly cover your cough:
Use a tissue or elbow. Cover your mouth with a clean tissue, handkerchief, or other clean cloth when coughing. If those are not available, use the inside of your elbow to cover your mouth and nose.
Turn away. When near others, turn your head or move away before coughing to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets.
Dispose of tissue properly. It is essential to dispose of used tissues properly by putting them in a closed bin. After disposing of the tissue, make sure to wash your hands immediately.
Hand hygiene. Always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after coughing. You can also use a hand sanitiser containing at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching your face. Your eyes, nose, and mouth are entry points for germs, so avoid touching your face.
It is essential to empower others by sharing information about proper cough etiquette to prevent the spread of germs. Let's encourage everyone to adopt these measures to create a healthier and safer environment. Taking precautions is not only about self-preservation but also a collective effort to reduce the prevalence of contagious diseases worldwide. Therefore, make sure you stay healthy and considerate by covering your cough!